Staying Ahead Of Cyberthreats: Fortinet’s Secure Networking Solutions

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, business are facing unprecedented challenges in securing their digital spaces. The rise of IoT devices and the complexities of hybrid environments have made it more critical than ever to maintain robust security. Fortinet, a leader in cybersecurity solutions, is addressing these challenges head-on with its innovative secure networking solutions.

“With rapid digital transformation, businesses deal with increasingly complex networks that span physical and virtual environments,” said Sumana Mannem, Director of Product Marketing at Fortinet. “Ensuring consistent security in exchanging information across these diverse landscapes is a significant challenge. Physical environments, such as branches, campuses and data centers, are experiencing an unprecedented surge in the number of devices, including IoT devices.”

Fortinet’s approach to secure networking is designed to simplify and strengthen security across these varied environments. By unifying networking and security into a single, cohesive solution, Fortinet enables businesses to manage their digital infrastructure more efficiently

“What you really want is efficient operations, and that means leveraging a single console, which is what secure networking allows for,” said Chris Hinsz, Senior Director of Product & Solutions at Fortinet. “Bringing everything in the networking and security arena together in one place. This of course enables some great cost savings, which has a lot of value as you are driving for digital transformation.”

A standout feature of Fortinet’s offering is its hybrid mesh firewall, which centralizes and unifies security policies across different environments, whether on-premises or in the cloud.

A hybrid mesh firewall is not a new form factor of firewall, but it’s rather a unification of firewalls of all different types, capacities and form factors,” Mannem explained. “It addresses the complexities of modern network security in more hybrid environments spanning on premises such as branches, campuses, data centers and the cloud.”

With more IoT devices than ever, Fortinet’s secure networking includes advanced features like FortiLink NAC and virtual patching, making it easier to manage and protect these devices.

“We can recognize when a particular device has a known vulnerability, “Hinsz added. “We can understand how that vulnerability is exploited. And then we can automatically do what we call virtual patching. That is, we can put compensating controls in place within the firewall to block off that methodology by which you could exploit the vulnerability.”

As companies continue to embrace digital growth, securing their networking is not just important – it’s essential. Fortinet’s secure networking solutions provide the tools and technology necessary to protect again cyberthreats.

For more on how Fortinet is leading the way in secure networking, visit

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